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Meet Ken Smith

I have been selling prints and notecards featuring my photography since the mid 1990s. Then, as now, my subject matter included the landscape of my home state of New Jersey and the Great Southwest. Of course, this was years before digital photography and I had to develop the skill and discipline to capture everything correctly at the moment of exposure. This discipline still serves me with my digital cameras; I strive to get everything right when I press the shutter.

In 2004 I formed Quiet Heart Images and began participating in art shows and craft fairs throughout NJ. Quiet Heart has given me an incredible opportunity to personally connect with buyers of my images and learn what moves and inspires them. Creating a piece of artwork that someone will hang in their home or place of work and see every day is an honor and responsibility I take very seriously.

My art business has been designated as a "Trusted Art Seller" with The Art Storefronts Organization, which means you can shop with confidence, and know that I stand behind the quality and value of my products.


I don’t take photographs; I receive them with openness and gratitude as gifts from the universe. These gifts offer a glimpse of the beauty and order inherent in our world. While my subject matter ranges from the majesty of our National Parks to the simplicity of a flower in my backyard, I instill a sense of joy and wonder in every image I create.


Traditional photography is the foundation of all of my work. For the past few years I have combined photography and digital painting to create a hybrid art form I call "PhotoSynthesis". I have recently begun experimenting with adding textures to my images for a fresh new look.

Giving Back

A portion of your purchase price will go to charities and organizations to help preserve the special places depicted in these photographs. Organizations supported include:

Trusted Art Seller

The presence of this badge signifies that this business has officially registered with the Art Storefronts Organization and has an established track record of selling art.

It also means that buyers can trust that they are buying from a legitimate business. Art sellers that conduct fraudulent activity or that receive numerous complaints from buyers will have this badge revoked. If you would like to file a complaint about this seller, please do so here.

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This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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